Climaveneta became a part of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & It Cooling Systems S.P.A.

Компания Climaveneta стала частью компании Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & It Cooling Systems S.P.A.

Every resident of Ukraine, from small to old, knows the excellent quality of Mitsubishi Electric products!

The Climaveneta company is the largest manufacturer of climate equipment in Europe, which has 9 factories with a total area of ​​90,000 square meters. Due to their innovative technologies and excellent quality of manufactured products, they have long been the main competitors of Mitsubishi Electric on the European market of air-conditioning equipment.

That is why the bosses (owners) of the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation decided to take over/buy the Climaveneta company.

At the moment, a certain paradox has developed in the market of climatic equipment of Ukraine – the prices of Mitsubishi Electric products from its Climaveneta brand are much LOWER than for the same similar Mitsubishi Electric products produced at its plants in Japan or China. A paradox, but it's a fact! This became possible due to low costs related to logistics, Climaveneta factories are located in Europe, Italy. Our company believes that it is TIME TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS ADVANTAGE.