Rooftop – this is a monoblock device that is mounted on the roof and performs three functions at once in one room – air conditioning, heating and ventilation.
This device is easy to install, easy to operate and at the same time has a very modest price when compared with other options for engineering systems.
Types of rooftops:
- only cooling;
- cooling and heating with a gas burner or with an electric heater;
- with heat pump and heater to choose from.
All types of rooftops have a ventilation function.
Rooftops primarily operate in air recirculation mode, and fresh air is supplied with the help of «admixture», which is carried out using mechanical dampers. The dampers have a control range, which most often varies from 0 – full recirculation to 30 % – fresh air admixture.
What is fresh air intake? The easiest way to explain it is with numbers. For example, the air consumption of a rooftop is 10,000 m3/h, if we take 30 % fresh air, this means that 3,000 m3/h of air from the street will be supplied to the room, and 3,000 m3/h of air from the room will be «thrown out» outside.
You may have a question – «So why not use this type of equipment everywhere?».
Rooftop has several features that do not allow it to be used on all objects without exception:
1. Static pressure. Most rooftops have at their disposal up to 400 Pa, which is not enough to «push through» a large network of air ducts with high resistance.
2. No zone temperature control. Theoretically, if you install a rooftop in an office space, you can use adjustable diffusers to limit the supply of cooled air to a separate room, thereby regulating the temperature in this room, but this is difficult, expensive and uncomfortable.
Based on the characteristics of rooftops, they are most widely used in the so-called one-volume rooms. These are supermarkets, warehouses, gyms and other similar premises.
For very large areas, there are no restrictions on the number of rooftops per room.